MAR 14 DE MAYO DE 2024 - 03:08hs.
At this week’s G2E

Skill-based casino games to take center stage in Las Vegas

Developers of real-money skill-based gaming devices continue to roll out new products ahead of this week’s G2E. Firms such as GameCo, Gamblit Gaming and Synergy Blue are taking their novelties to the Las Vegas pushing skill-based games as a way for operators to garner gaming-floor interest in younger casino customers.

GameCo announced that it would unveil its new multigame bartop cabinet version of its Video Game Gambling Machine (VGM) technology, which marries traditional casino gaming elements with skill-based elements for real-money casino play.

The "bar-ready” Bartop VGM that GameCo will unveil at G2E will also feature the company’s New Gen 2 game titles, including infinite runner game Steve Aoki’s Neon Dream, which GameCo claims is the first product to mix "celebrity, gaming and music.”

Other titles include bubble shooter game Poseidon’s Deep Sea Saga, tile-matching game Cosmic Candy Heist, and hidden object game Twisted Worlds.

GameCo CEO, Blaine Graboyes, suggests the Bartop VGM are perfect for installation in non-standard areas where casino patrons congregate, and thus provide "new gaming entertainment experiences for guests even when they are not on the gaming floor, which can help deliver incremental revenue.”.

Meanwhile, GameCo rival Gamblit Gaming announce it was bringing its new PAC-MAN Battle Casino skill-based game to G2E. Another developer of skill-based casino games, Synergy Blue, is betting on the Las Vegas show to introduce its novelties.

Synergy Blue will be promoting its new Hybrid Arcade Wager-based Gaming (HAWG) system, which includes a first-person shooter game while other genres – racing, sports, infinite runner and fantasy role-playing – are in the development pipeline.

All of these companies are pushing skill-based games as a way for operators to garner gaming-floor interest in younger casino customers who show little interest in traditional passive slot machines. And they will be presente at G2E to showcase all their potential.

Source: GMB / Calvin Ayre