MAR 14 DE MAYO DE 2024 - 03:53hs.
At last weekend’s election

Japan bets on Prime Minister Abe victory to move forward

Japan’s Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) claimed overwhelming victory in Sunday’s general election, giving succour to those who hope for a casino industry in the country soon. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was able to guide Japan’s ruling coalition to yet another majority in general elections, likely securing his leadership for at least two more years.

Anticipating that he would be returned to authority, it has been reported that Abe may call a special session of the Diet from November 1. That would open up the possibility that the gambling addiction bill and/or the IR Implementation Bill might be submitted this year after all. The legislative schedule does not seem packed with too many other pressing items.

The leaders of the pro-casino lawmakers group within the Diet, Hiroyuki Hosoda and Takeshi Iwaya, were returned to office. However, one opposition lawmaker who has been outspoken in support of IRs, Sakihito Ozawa, was defeated in his own race.

The net result of the general election for the gaming industry is that Japan’s parliament will be overwhelming filled with IR advocates, even if the general Japanese population is still skeptical about casino initiatives.

The legalisation of casinos in Japan may not be as high a priority for Abe, in likelihood being a sub-topic of general economic stimulus. But Japanese media had reported the policy had been included in his election campaign pledges. It is under his watch that this cross-party policy has progressed in parliament, with the first stage of the process – legalising casino resorts in principle – coming into effect in December.

Source: GMB/ AG Brief / GGR Asia