VIE 14 DE MARZO DE 2025 - 02:12hs.
Giorgio Gennari Litta, organizer

"SAGSE 2017 edition was one of the best in recent years"

(Exclusive GMB) - The traditional Argentine trade show with scope to all Latin America, SAGSE, lived last week its edition number 25. Giorgio Gennari Litta, the organizer and president of Monografie, makes a positive balance of the event in this interview with GMB, and also highlights the recovery of the sector in Argentina and confirms that SAGSE is ready 'to intervene in all the countries of the region with the a gaming industry regulated.'

GMB - What are the final results of the 2017 edition of SAGSE?
Giorgio Gennari Litta - SAGSE 2017 is following the awakening of Argentina, with very good presence of qualified public, excellent predisposition to close business and, most importantly, a climate of optimism.

Do they have numbers - even if preliminary - of the number of visitors and how many countries came to SAGSE this year?
The final statistics are not yet elaborated in detail, but it can be anticipated that, by quantity and quality of the public, we can qualify this edition among the best of recent years.

What do you think were the highlights of the event?
Of great interest and with more than expected attendance was the Malta Gaming Authority conference on online gambling and sports betting, which will surely be the great development of the industry over the next few years. Many important international companies of the sector were visiting the fair and reserving spaces for the 2018 edition.

What repercussions did you get from your customers, the exhibitors, and the visitors? What comments did they have from them?
Good opinions on the result of the expo from all the protagonists, whether they are exhibitors or visitors: bigger, better stands, more brightness.

Arriving to the end of the year, what is your assessment of this 2017 for the Argentine gaming industry in particular and the entire region in general?
Traditionally our company is always attentive to all the innovations of the sector, and was always at the forefront, marking the passage of all evolutions of the gaming industry in these 25 years of our existence.

As an active participant in the industry that gathers both operators and suppliers, how do you see the sector for next year in the region? What do you think will be some of the topics to follow with interest in 2018?
We are actively collaborating with all the institutions and mainly with the associations of Lottery Agencies, related to being the biggest players in the sector in view of the regulation of online gaming.

What are the objectives of SAGSE for 2018? How do you deal with the developments of the events in Panama and Buenos Aires for next year?
Our ambition is to continue to be the most important Latin American event and be prepared to intervene in all the countries of the region with an official and regulated gaming industry.

Source: Exclusive GMB