MIÉ 15 DE MAYO DE 2024 - 11:13hs.
Brazil took a step forward

Senator Benedito de Lira gave CCJ a favorable report on gaming law

The legalization of gaming in Brazil took a step forward yesterday (Wednesday 23) when Senator Benedito de Lira, rapporteur of PLS 186/2014, filed a favorable report in the CCJ (Commission for the Constitution of the Commission and Justice) on the regulation of the activity in the country. Now the text needs to be included in the commission's agenda to be voted on, and sent to final vote in the Senate.

Senator Benedito de Lira (PP-AL) delivered a 49-page report favoring the legalization of gaming in Brazil in accordance with the terms of the substitute presented to project PLS 186/2014. In the report, the Senator organizes the terms of the project and the full text will be available soon for consultation.

With the delivery of the report, the next steps are the inclusion of the project in the agenda of the CCJ, and the reading by the rapporteur in the committee. Then, committee senators may or may not suggest amendments; If amendments are suggested, the text will be returned to the rapporteur for a new report. If not, the report shall be voted by the commission. If it approves the Project, then it is going to vote in plenary.

There is no deadline for inclusion of the project in the CCJ agenda, as this is a decision of the CCJ president, Senator Edson Lobão, who will decide according to the progress of the projects that should be analyzed by the commission.

The PL186 / 2014, authored by Senator Ciro Nogueira (PP-PI) was unanimously approved by the Special Committee on National Development in November 2016. But in December the text was sent to the CCJ after approval in plenary of the request made By Senator Magno Malta (PR-ES).

Senator Benedito de Lira defended the legalization and operation of the casinos. According to him, this economic activity could generate essential taxes for Brazil at the moment. He recalled that gaming activity is legalized in 156 countries, and those who still ban the activity, 75% are Islamic.

The legalization of gambling is a crusade for Senator Benedito de Lira (PP-AL). He has always criticized the view that "gambling" should not be legalized in Brazil because of the direct association, which is made, with money laundering and contravention.

"I think it's interesting that a lot that condemns the appreciation of the matter in the National Congress deals with the subject that is money laundering, it's contravention, it's trafficking ... Gaming already exists in this country clandestinely, but everyone plays. And there is a part of it officially, which is Sena, and other lotteries and draws ...," said the senator.

Source: GMB