MAR 14 DE MAYO DE 2024 - 21:27hs.
Amaury Jr., local TV star

"Brazilian economy will have a great growth with gaming regulation"

(Exclusive GMB) - Amaury Jr. has been commanding for more than 30 years one of the most successful TV shows in Brazil. Supporter of the gaming activity, he talks with GMB about his expectations for upcoming regulation, praises US law on the subject and highlights the country's strength to compete in the industry. 'We have everything different. Brazil, with its tourist attractions, beauties, beaches, etc., is its own differential.'

GMB - In some opportunities in your TV show you have declared yourself in favor of the Regulatory Framework and legalization of gaming in Brazil. Which are the biggest benefits the country would have with a regulated gambling industry?
Amaury Jr - The Brazilian economy will have a great growth with the regulation of gaming, because it drives tourism, local commerce, generates jobs, income and attracts investments, great shows, among others. And the Brazilian likes to play, you can see Conrad's success in Punta del Este, which moves throughout the region and is one of the most sought after destinations for gaming and great shows, which attract an audience willing to spend money and have fun. But I also think it can not happen what happened to communications in Brazil, granting concessions exclusively to deputies, to the son of a senator ... The winner mast be the one that shows the best project, the most complete. Otherwise there's going to be a casino on every corner, little ones. The grant should be given to anyone who commits to making a resort, with a minimum number of apartments and complete family fun.

You have known many places around the world where gambling and casinos are an activity with good results for the countries. Which of these experiences from outside could be applied in Brazil?
I think the American legislation should be copied ipsis litteris here in Brazil. One of the risks of reopening is the lack of regulation. When gaming was banned in the 1960s by Marechal Dutra and Mrs. Santinha, it must be admitted that at that time Brazil was not yet prepared to have casinos outside the capital, which was Rio de Janeiro at the time. Why? Because everyone used the casino to launder money for a thousand fakes. It was not an end activity, that is, turned to the fun of people through slot machines, card, roulette etc. The American legislation is very complete, and punishes those who use it in a bad way.

The bills underway in the congress condition the casinos to the resorts, generating large entertainment centers beyond betting. Do you think segments like the arts and shows, which you also accompany, can benefit from the new industry?
No doubt. In Brazil, few politicians know the casino-hotel industry. In these resorts, gaming is a detail. There are shows, attractions, art movements, exhibitions, options for children ... I do not think only the arts and shows segment would benefit. I think it would be a very powerful agent to generate many and many jobs. Besides, I have no doubt that, when the law is fully approved, and it is expected to enter into force, the major international corporations will come here.

In addition to casinos, other follow-ups such as bingos and " jogo do bicho” are also covered in the ongoing projects. Do you believe that these two segments, because they are more popular, will also bring a good return for the State and society as a whole?
When we talk about the regulation of casinos, it is also planned to regulate the " jogo do bicho”, which employs so many people, who is the least organized and the most reliable, and the reopening of bingos. Why were they banned? For the suspicion of money laundering. So I think we have to take the American legislation, which is perfect. It adapts and is valid.

The main arguments of those who oppose the legalization of gaming are the possibility of money laundering, the risk of gambling addiction. Do you think that the benefits that a gaming industry will bring to Brazil are bigger than these kind possible problems and that we can face them well after regulation?
This is a matter historically discussed for decades. I think that this is inherent, and I think it's a great nonsense and a great contradiction. How to speak into addiction if the government itself is banking a lot of games that can generate some of these problems? We also need to look to the future and check the possibilities and benefits that will bring tourism and the Brazilian economy, which overcome any negative speculation.

Personally, what is your expectation for a casino and gaming industry in Brazil? What should be the differential of the Brazilian venues in comparison to those of other countries?
We have everything different. Brazil, with its tourist attractions, beauties, beaches, etc., is its own differential. People who play will play where they have a casino. Why not generate taxes with this? Why not create jobs with it? I also think Las Vegas and Atlantic City are good examples for us to mirror. Atlantic City was a finished, destroyed city. They authorized the casinos there, the city was rebuilt, and today it is a great generator of jobs and taxes. Las Vegas has created a pole in the desert! Which are the most needy regions of Brazil? Build a casino there! We must think that poor regions could be boosted, benefited and transformed.

Source: Exclusive GMB