LUN 13 DE MAYO DE 2024 - 22:34hs.
For its SUCTR system

Sielcon obtains a new GLI certification

Argentine company Sielcon, represented in Peru by Tebonclass Peru, recently obtained the GLI Compliance Certification for its Unique Real Time Control System (SUCTR), called SOL2000SUCTR Version 2, which is a great evolution of its successful Zaphire Solutions platform.

The system was developed by Ing. Eduardo Paz, Managing Partner and Administrator of Sielcon, and by the new development team of the company, which has also jointly worked with other áreas of the firm at a fast pace to achieve this success that allows Sielcon to be at the forefront of the demanding technology of these times.

"This success and great step we have taken, I did not do it alone. That's why I thank and share it with my great team, since without their dedication, commitment and effort, we would not have achieved it," said Eduardo Paz.

"This new platform will also allow the interconnection of slot machines with various communication protocols. Among other advantages, it also has the Cashier System with a more agile, dynamic and very friendly accounting development for our clients," explains Paz.

"We are working hard so that today MINCETUR PERU can get all the necessary documentation to authorize and register this new system for Peruvian legislation. From our company, we hope that soon all our customers will be able to enjoy its innovations and great benefits, always updating our developments to obtain the best high-end technology."

Source: GMB / Latin American Sector