MAR 7 DE MAYO DE 2024 - 18:39hs.
A topic at FrenTur agenda

"Legalized gambling may increase the number of tourist cruises in Brazil"

The legalization of the casinos inside cruises was defended by the deputies of the Mixed Parliamentary Front in Defense of Tourism of the National Congress (FrenTur) as one of the options to attract more tourists and to increase the trips in ships in Brazil. The subject was raised during the event 'Maritime cruises: the moment is now', promoted by the Brazilian Association of Sea Cruisers (CLIA Brazil).

According to the deputies, the legalization of the casinos is one of the proposals that could attract more tourists and increase the trips in tourist ships in Brazil. In addition, the regulation of the activity will also allow ships with casinos to maintain the activity, even when anchored in Brazilian ports.

Besides the legalization of casinos, other topics related to cruise travel have been discussed since the sector has been growing all over the world, except in Brazil. In the 2010/2011 season, 20 ships passed through the Brazilian coast. Last season there were only seven, and deputies want to help reverse this negative curve.

"The main point we are working on is the reduction of taxes for the sector. I was rapporteur for a project that seeks to match the tax treatment of cruises to that given to cabotage shipping and port and maritime support. My opinion has been approved by the Tourism Committee and is now awaiting review by the Finance and Taxati on Commission,"said Deputy Herculano Passos.

Changes in the General Tourism Law and the measures of the Brazil + Tourism Plan, which are starting to be analyzed in the coming weeks in the Chamber, will also benefit the sector. For Herculano, the transformation of Embratur into an agency, foreseen in the Brazil + Tourism Plan, should boost travel in tourist cruises. "Embratur is responsible for the promotion of Brazil abroad, which is currently a small budget and subject to cuts. With the move, Embratur will gain more autonomy to seek revenues and, with more money, will be able to increase. With this, we hope to attract more foreign tourists interested in traveling along our wonderful coastline. "

Source: GMB