VIE 3 DE MAYO DE 2024 - 17:01hs.
First draw was on September 15, 1962

Caixa Lotteries complete 55 years with nine commemorative extractions

Caixa Lotteries have prepared a series of extractions that seek to celebrate the 55th anniversary of the history of the Federal Lottery of tickets, the oldest mode of Brazilian Caixa Lotteries’ portfolio. Nine different commemorative extractions are scheduled in September, allusive to the themes of the Lotteries, already available in more than 13 thousand lottery houses in the country.

Government Funds and Lotteries, Deusdina dos Reis Pereira, celebrates this successful trajectory: There are few institutions that reach the age of 55 with the reputation, credibility and sustainability that CAIXA Lotteries have. But best of all, throughout these years, it has been able to make a decisive contribution to improving the quality of life of people throughout the country. And there is still more to do. The CAIXA Lotteries are a Brazilian patrimony.

From 2012 to September 2017, sales of CAIXA Lotteries exceeded R$ 72 billion (USD 23b). In addition to bettors who guaranteed high pzies, the Brazilian population in general gained even more: R$ 33 billion (USD 10.5b) were transferred to social programs benefiting from Lottery resources, in areas such as sports, social security, student financing, culture, health and safety.

The CAIXA Lotteries have nine modes to fulfill the dreams of the Brazilians, but throughout their 55 years there were more than a dozen other different lottery modalities offered to guarantee entertainment and great prizes to the bettors. Since its first draw, on September 15, 1962, CAIXA Lotteries have innovated in the availability of the most varied lotteries to the Brazilian population, allowing the bettor a range of options when trying to get lucky.

Source: GMB / CAIXA Press Office