JUE 2 DE MAYO DE 2024 - 22:21hs.
Almost 80% want betting

Internet users support gaming legalization in Brazil

The survey carried out by the website of the Legislative Assembly of Ceará ended yesterday, and it points out that more than three out of four Internet users agree on the legalization of gaming in Brazil. For 76.5%, the project will regulate what already exists clandestinely, and can still help with tax collection; only 23.5% were against legalization.

In the evaluation of the deputy Fernando Hugo (PP), one of the biggest "hypocrisies" of the administrative public life of the country occurs in relation to the so called games of "chance". According to him, "it is known by all that the federal government banks, through the Caixa Econômica Federal, countless games of chance, such as Mega-Sena and sports lotteries, without major controversies."

"I am totally in favor of the legality of these games because they provide income, generate jobs and feed a productive chain in the country. Wanting to prohibit them by arguing that there are crimes that can be associated with its practice is an act devoid of responsibility, because the state is there to monitor and print rules that curb criminal activity," says Fernando Hugo.


Deputy Heitor Férrer (PSB) follows the position of most Internet users, but argues that it is important that no one in society make games a way of life.

"I agree with legalization, because what are lotteries if not gambling? So it is important to legalize so that there is a demoralisation of the Public Power that, even prohibiting, does not prevent them from continuing," he said.

The member of the Tax Studies Commission of the Brazilian Bar Association - Ceará Section (OAB / CE), Renan Melo, reinforces the opinion of Congressman Fernando Hugo that the government has all the means to supervise and tax those who will carry out the activity , in case of legalization, preventing the practice from becoming another source of corruption.


"The activity, by its very nature, does not create crime, because it has no victims, and my understanding is that prohibiting gaming is to hinder individual freedom, freedom of choice of each one," says the lawyer.

Source: GMB / Assembleia Legislativa do Ceará