SÁB 18 DE MAYO DE 2024 - 11:45hs.
€ 3,519 million

Never spent as much on gaming in Portugal as in last year

Main thrust came from online and social gaming, but casinos and bingos also rose in 2017. There were five million-euro prizes to claim. The activity moved 3,519 million euros last year in Portugal, a figure that represents an increase of 11% over 2016 and a new bar, among scratch cards, casino machines and sports betting online.

According to the same publication, the largest slice of this amount comes from the social games explored by the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa (SCML). Gambling in the institution rose 9.1%, surpassing for the first time the barrier of three billion euros and totaling 3,028 million.

The Raspadinha (scratch card) remains the preferred game of the Portuguese, with bets rising 9.4% to 1,487 million euros. Following is Euromillons, which at the end of 2016 became associated with M1lhão, with a total bet of 851 million (plus 5.1%). The biggest rise came from the Placard game, with a further 30% to 502 million euros of gross revenues.

According to data from the Regulatory and Inspection Service of Games (SRIJ), casinos earned 311.3 million euros last year, an increase of 5.2% over 2016. Bingo bets rose 14% to 57 million, and online gambling, which began to be regulated in Portugal at the end of May 2016, raised 122.5 million.

In its report and accounts, the SCML stresses that "the negative sales performance of certain games is part of a life-cycle context which, in most cases, coincides with maturity phases which simultaneously meet with the supply of new products, more appealing." The "diversification and rejuvenation of the offer", says SCML, "has allowed to attract and retain new players, with profiles that value recreational and entertainment aspects, in addition to the prize factor."

Source: GMB / eco.pt