SÁB 18 DE MAYO DE 2024 - 12:01hs.
In Salvador, on July 24th

CIBELAE to hold second 2018 Board of Directors meeting in Brazil

The Ibero-American Corporation of Lotteries and State Betting, CIBELAE, announced that it will hold the second meeting of the Board of Directors of the year in Brazil. The location chosen was the 'Hotel Deville' in Salvador, Bahia, and the meeting will take place next July 24 with the support of Caixa.

The Brazilian state bank will be responsible for organizing the event and will host the meeting on July 24 at the "Hotel Deville" in the city of Salvador, Bahia. The meeting began to be organized in the first meeting of the year in Spain when Caixa presented its proposal to CIBELAE, which includes a seminar on innovation in lotteries.

The President of CIBELAE, Mr. Luis Gama, stressed the importance of the members of the Corporation attending this meeting, which takes place within a framework of excellence and its main objective is to continue to consolidate the work already developed by CIBELAE.

The first meeting took place on April 3th in Sevilla, Spain, attended by its president, Luis Gama (National Lottery Uruguay), and representatives of lotteries that make up the corporation: Inmaculada García, Manuel Gomez Amigo, Rogelio Menéndez Menéndez and José Luis Sánchez, of SELAE; Angel Sanchez Canovas, Alfonso Martinez Galiano, Sara Reyero and Patricio Prisões, of ONCE; Carlos Pereira Margarida Palma of the Holy House of Mercy of Lisbon; Gilson Braga from Caixa Econômica Federal; Armando Guerra and Diego Duclías Charity of the Panama Lottery; Silvio Vivas de Alea and Thierry Gabarret from Pacifique des Jeux.

At the meeting, the new executive director, Rodrigo Cigliutti, was introduced. Four representatives from the participating Star Program suppliers were presented: Alvaro Rivas from IGT, Kevin Anderson and Gonzalo Torres from Scientific Games Lottery, Susana Campana Brown from Intralot and Karen Sierra-Hughes from GLI. Then, were presented the report of the President, Secretary General, Treasurer, Executive Director and Commissions of products, processes and Social Responsibility.

Cigliutti presented his proposal by the end of the year. He stressed the need to intensify the work of the commissions and provide training and consulting services for lotteries they require in the region.

The entity decided to continue to work on a general requirement for the construction of a map of products and collections through products coordinated by a Commission, the satisfaction survey with members coordinated by SELAE and send a survey conducted by the CSR and JR Commission coordinated by the ALEA.

At the end of the meeting, President Luis Gama concluded with a very positive balance, confirmed that the first meeting marked an action plan for the next two years and that the structural changes approved in the last Congress of Panama have already begun to bear fruit.

CIBELAE also announced that on June 25 and 26 the seminar was scheduled to be held, where “the latest Trends and Innovation of our Industry will be discussed.”

Those interested will soon be able to see the program in detail, which will be published on the official CIBELAE website: www.cibelae.net.

Source: GMB