DOM 28 DE ABRIL DE 2024 - 17:40hs.
Acre state expects gaming to be released

Brazil: Will a casino in Rio Branco become a reality?

The release of casino games is one of the topics that has been talked about most frequently at the Congress in Brasilia in the last two to three years. The idea of allowing casino games in the state of Acre and in other less developed states in northern Brazil is not new. Rio Branco, capital of the state, awaits legalization to try to boost local tourism.

Gambling: a theme that will not go away

It is the pressure of businessmen, the lobby of politicians, the realization that most countries in the world (especially in the Western world, between Europe and the Americas) have casinos liberated without any problem ... all this has been changing many opinions and making roulette and slot machines seem socially more acceptable. This helps the theme not to go away.

Even some of the most conservative sectors of society are hesitant to declare gaming unthinkable. The candidate Jair Bolsonaro has already said that "in principle" is against gambling, but "let's see which is the best way out." And the mayor of Rio de Janeiro, Marcelo Crivella, has been receiving entrepreneurs from Las Vegas interested in investing in the city.

The online alternative

Indeed, the ban on casino gambling, as it exists, seems a bit obsolete, mainly because of the explosion of online casinos in recent years. If in the early years of the internet platforms were unreliable, recently the international market has developed immensely. Several countries, such as Malta, have set up legislation to regulate online casino activity, and the user market itself has become more mature and demanding.

All of this has led to the consolidation of alternatives that players recognize as reliable and secure - far more than any illegal "physical" gambling hall in Brazil. So while the casinos in Brazil are not allowed, it is certain that any citizen will only need a cell phone or computer to access virtual games of roulette or slots. We are not in 1946 anymore.

A casino in Rio Branco: will it be?

It is not new the idea to allow casino games in Acre state and other less developed ones in northern Brazil. In fact, if the bill moves forward as it stands, it will be more unfavorable for the Acre economy. The idea is that large "resort casinos" be authorized according to the number of inhabitants in each state; states up to 15 million people would be entitled to one casino only.

It is easy to see that the states of the South and Southeast would benefit from this measure, and international entrepreneurs are already looking at the possibility of opening casinos in Rio or on the coast of São Paulo. Still, is there no room for a casino in Rio Branco, trying to boost local tourism?

Source: GMB / Gazeta do Acre