MIÉ 16 DE OCTUBRE DE 2024 - 09:17hs.

"Brazilian sports betting system will be open, modern and innovative"

(Exclusive GMB) - Alexandre Manoel da Silva, undersecretary of the Secretariat of Economic Support (Seae) of the Ministry of Finance of Brazil, explains in depth the project of 'Fixed Quota Bets' that will be sent to the Congress. It also provides details on the situation of LOTEX and its position about the gaming legalización in the country.

GMB - At what stage is the proposal for legalization of sports betting in Brazil?
Alexandre Manoel
- The creation and privatization of the Lottery modality "Fixed Quota Bets" can be found as revenues considered in the Budgetary Law of 2017 and, therefore, the legal framework of this lottery is still viable in the first half of this year. The Ministry of Finance has already forwarded to the Civil House of the Presidency of the Republic a Bill on the subject. This step is immediately prior to submission to the National Congress for its consideration. As there is no regulation in Brazil, the activity is being exploited by sites based abroad. Thus, the funds are sent to the countries where these companies exploit the bets, and there is no counterpart to the Brazilian State. Our proposal is to offer a legal alternative to bettors-consumers, besides allowing the generation of significant resources to Brazilian society, in the form of social transfers to be raised with this lottery.

What are the main characteristics of the ministry proposal?
The operation of the lottery as a private public service of the Union is preserved. Caixa Econômica Federal may exploit this new modality by legal delegation or through its subsidiaries created specifically for this purpose, similar to the process of privatization "in progress" of the Instant Lottery Exclusive (Lotex). The Ministry of Finance is responsible for regulating, supervising, and applying penalties, providing for the exploitation of the new modality in physical commercial distribution channels and in electronic media.

Is the system based on some other already existing among international bookmakers?
It seeks to implement a modern lottery modality, open to innovation. And that it listens the opinión of the bettors, according to what is verified in the main lottery markets of the world.

With what billing and tax numbers does the state work on sports betting?
We are aware that this lottery mode will present considerable amounts. However, the definitive figures will only be obtained after the studies foreseen for the definition of the explotation modality to be developed by specialized external consultants, who will also develop a business plan, the financial evaluation and the scenarios of stocks composition or the way of its concession, as we are doing in the privatization process of Lotex. Once this is done, we will have, more accurately, the data of billing and generation of taxes.

Have you thought about the allocation of the resources coming from the activity?
The modality contemplates social destination within the current legislation, with values ​​destined to public safety and social security (health, social assistance and social security). The tax incidence for the operator is exactly the same as that currently practiced for any legal entity in the country. In addition, the current income tax system in the lottery awards will also be maintained.

"The Ministry of Finance is responsible for regulating, supervising, and applying penalties, providing for the exploitation of the new modality in physical commercial distribution channels and in electronic media"




Why should Brazilians choose this system and not others that already exist? What are the benefits of officially betting?
The exploitation of this modality, in a legal way, guarantees to the bettors the security and integrity in their bets, with the guarantee that the prizes will be honored. Equally relevant is the fact that there will be protection to the bettor, according to the best practices of Corporate Social Responsibility in lotteries (Responsible Gambling), which is not the case in illegal games.

What is the expectation of the Ministry of Finance in terms of the resources that sports betting can bring to the country if the proposal is approved?
The definitive figures will only be obtained after the studies foreseen for the definition of the exploitation model. However, we are aware that they will be significant numbers for the application in various social areas by the Federal Government. By the way, this application is the main reason, from the public point of view, for the existence of a lottery modality.

About lotteries in Brazil, what is your evaluation of the moment the industry is experiencing in the country and what are the forecasts for 2017?
What happens in Brazil is that the amount collected by federal lotteries is significant, around R$ 12.8 billion (US$ 41.8 billion), or 0.21% of GDP, in the year 2016. Approximately 40% of this amount is passed on to various sectors Social, such as health, education, culture, sport and public safety.
Despite this, considering what is happening around the world, we know that the Brazilian market still has a great potential for growth, for basically two reasons: first, of the four existing lottery modalities, we explore only two. In fact, we do not even explore the Instant Lottery, nor do we explore Fixed Quota Bets; Second, considering the two modalities currently exploited, it is perceived that the market is highly concentrated in lottery products based on lotteries (more than 99% share of total sales), with pro-sports lottery products with a participation in sales of less than 1%. This is an apparent contradiction, when we know that we live in the "country of football".

How is the LOTEX privatization process?
The privatization of LOTEX is being conducted by the BNDES (Brazilian Development Bank), with the coordination and monitoring of the Ministry of Finance, through the Secretariat of Economic Monitoring (Seae) and monitoring of the Court of Accounts of the Union and the Ministry of Transparency, Supervision and Controllership-General Of the Union (CGU). The schedule is being fulfilled and we expect the conclusion of the privatization of LOTEX by the end of this year.

What is the position of the SEAE and the Ministry of Finance about the gaming legalization in Brazil? Is the sector regulation seen as a good aid to the country's economic recovery?
The two initiatives of gaming legalization in the country in progress in the National Congress were not proposed by the Executive. In this sense, there is no Federal Government position on the subject. However, it should be pointed out that such initiatives, underway in the Chamber and in the Senate, lack formal evaluation of important areas of the Ministry of Finance, such as the Attorney General of the National Treasury, the Federal Revenue Service and the Secretariat for Economic Monitoring, which will be urged to position themselves before any manifestation of the Executive. The liberalization should be made from a robust regulatory model, taking advantage of existing international experience, with an effective monitoring of the costs and benefits of what becomes legalized. Regarding the regulation of the activity, in a very particular way, I understand that legalizing gambling is a sensitive activity for society.
In this way, it would be desirable to have staggered authorization of different types of games of chance, with the gradual liberation of different gaming options, so that society could perceive the costs and benefits of legalizing each of them, probably failing some and approving others.

Source: Exclusive GMB